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Monday, February 6, 2012

I Hear Voices Calling Me...

Dadgummit! I knows dat it ain't my imagination that be running wild but der are times when I do swear to hearing voices a talking to me when I least expects it.

Invariably I hear da voices late at night when I be by me-self aboard my boat wit nuttin' to do but piddle around and gaze up at da distant stars.

It usually be the same soft, soothin' voice tellin' me that there be a whole world out der awaiting for me and dat it be high time that I give up da ghost of any more sailing adventures.

It also be da same voice a telling me dat companionship is da key to happiness and not sum remote, illylic, tropical island awaiting to be rediscovered.

In any case it could simply be dat I just mights have a bad case of island-fever and that hiking da Appalachian Trail just might be da cure for whatever it is that be ailing me...


  1. I have a question. First, I want to consider where to home port my boat. Is there a place at Dinner Key to anchor for free and leave a dinghy ashore. I would be interested in renting a mooring ball but first I would want to get established with a job even part time would work for me. I would rather not pay rent til I get established. I don't actually require marina services other than pumpouts as my boat is fully self reliant as far as energy and comfort goes. And I am well practised at hauling water.


    Cool Change

    1. Hello Cool Change... funny that you ask for this also happens to be what I've been contemplating doing myself here shortly.

      You can indeed anchor offshore of Dinner Key free of charge so long as it is outside the confines of the mooring area.

      In addition one can go ashore and tie one's dinghy on up to the dinghy dock free of charge... just be sure not to tie up on the side reserved for those on a mooring ball.

      Lastly you may want to consider a fitness membership at the 24 Hour Fitness Center in the Grove at a monthly rate of $30.

      If anything it's at least a place to shower and make use of a locker while you're strolling out about town.

  2. Thank you. I'm sure you will post the details on your blog if you make that move.
